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7:29 AM - 04.23.2004
Hey guys! It�s Florida time! In just a few short hours Charlie and I will be on our way down. WOoohOoo! *cheers* I am very excited. We�re stopping in North Carolina for the night and to see my Aunt and Uncle and then Saturday morning, we make our way down to the good ol� sunshine state! I�m starting to get excited. So, I hope everyone has a good week without me, and I will miss you all very much! *HUGS*

Here is an entry I wrote Thursday morning. I didn't want it to go to waste...


One more day until I leave for Florida! I can't wait! I was getting extremely frustrated about some stuff that was happening while organizing this trip, and I even freaked out Monday and was like, "Fuck this! I'm not going!" But everything should be okay now, well, except for one thing...

We weren't planning on using my car to go down to Florida. It's a brand new car and I am very anal about the miles I put on it. So, everything was set... we were using Charlie's car. At least thats what I thought. Last night Charlie says to me, "I'm having second thoughts about taking my car. Hear me out for my reasoning as to why we should take yours." Ugh, I didn�t even want to hear it. But like a good girlfriend, I listened. So apparently he thinks his could break down. Why? I have no fucking clue! His car runs wonderfully, it sounds great, I mean, what the hell? He says because it has 98,000 miles on it, it's more prone to break down. *shrugs* I guess? I don't know. But anyways, he says basically that if his car breaks down, we'd have to shell out a hell of a lot of money to get it back home, whereas if we took the Kia, it has a 100,000 mile warranty, so wherever we breakdown (if we do) Kia has to come get the car, fix it, and give us a rental car. Now, that sounds good and all, but my car SUCKS on highways. It's an extremely light car and when the wind is blowing... forget it. I just don't know. But I told Charlie that whatever he decides, I'll go along with it. His mom, dad, and my dad even said to take the Kia... but they don't understand. *sigh* Oh well.. Maybe I'm being too anal about all this, but that's my baby! It took so long to get a car, and if anything were to happen, I'd be fucked and very upset. Ya know? So, we'll see what happens.

Anyways, it's been a very busy week thus far. Monday I skipped school, but I had to go to the college for my group meeting for my Early Childhood class. Andrea, our team leader, was extremely pissed. I guess she was so tired of doing a majority of the work, and I can't blame her, but I felt like she was pissed at me and I did all of my fucking work and I got it to her on time as well. So, yeah. I wasn't too happy about all that.

Tuesday was our presentations for our Thematic Units. We chose to do the Ocean just like the rest of the class. I think we did a pretty awesome job as a matter of fact. So hopefully we all got good grades. After our presentations our instructor, Rebecca, told us that she had a surprise. She said we all worked really hard this semester, so she's going to NOT give us a final exam *jumps up and down* I was so relieved! And her second surprise Tuesday night was the sex of her baby. The Tuesday before we all individually guessed, and whoever had the right answers got 5 extra credit points. So, she went and uncovered a dish of brownies and when she turned around, they have pink icing on them! :) And did Nikki get those extra credit points? Hell yeah! I guess right for once in my life.

Wednesday (yesterday, of course) was a bit of a crazy day. I went to school, talk to my English teacher about me being late with all my papers and whatnot, and surprisingly, she was very supportive. So, it looks like I won't be dropping out of English, or failing it. Which of course is good news. Then, after work we had a staff meeting, and guess what?!?!?!?! I was finally recognized for all of the hard work I do! And might I say.. it was about time!...

When the kids had 1/2 days and then no school at all during Easter break, who was the one who pulled through and acted as supervisor by putting games and activities together? Me. I took the initiative and I thought I did it pretty well. Also, during those days, I was switched around and put with every single different group there was possible. I was with Preschool, 1&2, 2&3, 4&5, and I've even been with 6-8th before. Plus, I've worked over at their Easton Catholic site and the Early Childhood Development Center. I've done it all, and not once have I complained. And last night, I was finally recognized for all of it. Tammy, our director, does this whole "I Caught You!" thing where when she sees you doing something good, she recognizes you for it and gives you a prize of some sort. I got strawberry twizzlers (yuck!), but I don't care, as long as the recognition was there.

I am sorry if I sound too "All about me" but I was really working my ass off and I felt like no one really gave a shit. So now I feel better.


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